A Guide to Public Deliberation

Scientists regularly call for public engagement opportunities to discuss cutting-edge research, but many of these calls go unnoticed or answered. Public deliberation may offer an antidote! Over the past several months, I worked on compiling a basic guide to public deliberation—from whether deliberation is the right approach for an issue to facilitation to picking a type of deliberative forum. It’s now published on the blog of the Federation of American Scientists. Take a look below!

Podcast Features

I've also been lucky enough to be a guest on a few podcasts where I talk about my experience with research as a young person, the advice I have for other young people in STEM, and more! Give the episodes a listen below.

Gairdner Science Week Correspondent

During Gairdner Science Week 2022 — a series of events celebrating the Gairdner Award winners who are exceptional biomedical scientists — I was the High School Science Correspondent. I created a variety of content about the scientists’ work and events including a stem cell history explainer, a vlog of the events, tweets, and an interactive game. (More recently, I got a chance to ask some of the 2024 Gairdner Award laureates a question during the live awards announcement!)
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ISSCR Collaboration

I also had the chance to be the High School Science Correspondent during the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 2021 meeting. As part of that role, I created two videos in collaboration with the ISSCR.
I also had the chance to be the High School Science Correspondent during the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 2021 meeting. As part of that role, I created two videos in collaboration with the ISSCR.
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My video about organoids, what they are, their applications, and more
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After attending ISSCR 2021 myself and learning lots, I wanted to share some of my tips for attending conferences with others!

Public Speaking

On August 13, 2022, I spoke about biotechnology at Pyxis Hacks, a coding event (hackathon) for middle school students. I introduced them to what biotech is, some of its amazing applications, and how they can get started in the field. Watch it below.
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I got the great opportunity (from STEM ResearcHER, a student-run organization) to host a workshop all about how to write a research article for those just getting started. Watch it below.
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On July 30, 2022, I had the opportunity to speak about a combinatory approach to Parkinson’s disease involving senolytics and a cell therapy in the Biocord Discord server. Watch it below.
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At the beginning of 2021, I gave a talk titled The Rapid Development of COVID-19 Vaccines & How to Replicate it in the Future. Watch it below.
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